Friday, November 30, 2012

Two Parties Are No Longer Welcome At The Party!!!

The two political party system has failed the United States again and again. I ask you of the potential 100 million people in this country eligible to run for President, would Romney or Obama even crack the top 100 best candidates for the position? Of course not and you are probably are saying I need to live in the real world. I wonder though, if the two candidates we are told we can vote for are not even be the best Americans for the job, is this really democracy?

How is it that House Rep’s, Senators and Presidents only come from two parties? To get a better understanding of how it happens and why it will not change without voters and citizens of this country getting involved in fixing this problem you should compare our political parties to a fast food chain. McDonalds is acceptable because we see the brand advertised everywhere. It is burnt into our memory from a small age if you are hungry it is acceptable by social standards to go there and eat. The same principle applies to the Democrats or Republicans. We know the parties and they’re the entities to conform to if you plan on a career in politics. I believe that this concept politically speaking fails. Many would also agree that we limit our capacity to grow and change as a free government if we are only getting two perspectives or choices.

So why won’t it change? Does McDonalds plan to close next week? Of course not because McDonalds generates a significant amount of money as does the two political parties. The purpose of all this money is simple. The more money Democrats and Republicans are acquiring, the bigger the advantage over any alternative opposition. I will attach a report of spending on Campaigns for the last election cycle but for the three major types of office in DC, both parties combined spent over 2.5 billion dollars in campaigning for your votes. Here is the site-
What we consider a democracy is in reality just a business and a legal way of paying cash for votes. Read the following links about the history of political parties in the United States. Then go and read what the constitution says about political parties. You will be looking forever because it mentions nothing about them.
I know it can be argued that just because our 200 year old constitution doesn’t mention party affiliations doesn’t mean that the founders did not foresee the need for political parties. But actually it has been noted that the writers of the constitution hoped we did not go in this direction.

Don’t get me wrong I like a system of civil servant politicians. Unfortunately it morphed into over paid puppets spewing an agenda from just two well financed angles. Neither party will ever want to change the system; it would cost them the ability to generate billions for elections which translates into even more revenue having paid for the exclusive rights to the politicians they bought who control our country.
It’s up to the voting population to demand change before the next election or once again the real problems we face will not get fixed. We will end up watching another 2.5 billion dollars or more go to wasteful campaign spending in yet another Opportunity Lost…….

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