Saturday, January 5, 2013

Is America Practicing the Encomienda System?

Americans now only work to make payments on bare essentials to living. This is in stark contrast to the origin of our country when settlers sought life happiness through gaining independence and prosperity. Later on, we had the American dream to look forward to; house, car and a good retirement. As it stands today we own less of our so called assets and continue to make money only to send it to debtors or creditors. In fact we physically handle very little money as most of the transactions in our lives are numbers on a screen. This in my opinion creates a problem as we do not see the true fruits of our labor.
The Encomienda system was a way for Spain to settle the America’s by using labor of the indigenous people on the new world in exchange for teaching them religion and education. What really it was is a form of legal slavery. How does this relate to modern times? Most Americans do have productive jobs that create and sustain our way of life. In return, we are granted by the Banks the ability to live in houses that are too big for our needs, drive cars that are way to extravagant and eat meals that are overpriced and can be cooked at home. We even teach young promising Americans how to acquire debt from an early age with college loans. Essentially we work to survive and not to get ahead.

Our country is dominated essentially by four banks. If you look at the list of wealthiest banks in this country the top 4 are far ahead of any others on the list. They account for over 7 trillion dollars in worth. Here is the list I found-
Sadly we celebrate the greed of these banks rather than analyze what makes them so big. In reality the land acquired back in the real estate crash of 2008, or as I call it the intended consolidation of banking power, enabled this surge of power. It is not the amount of paper money that makes these banks strong rather the actual ownership of land. If you go back in history, land ownership was always the basis for power in Europe, Asia and the rest of the world. If you need evidence of just how little amount of land common folk own go ask at least 10 people you know if they own their homes out right. I am willing to bet none of them do and I even venture to guess one of the 4 super banks hold the deed to most of their homes.

So what does this all mean? Do not over extend on what you owe. Here is a list on what type of debt the American family endures as of July 2012- . How do we do reduce our personal debt? Get a home that really fits your needs. Finance the best rate going and always manage the equity and never lend against it. Get the full life of a vehicle and get a vehicle that once again fits your need. The dinning and shopping habits will be something you need to manage based on what is left over. I know for example you can make fried rice for 50 cents at home and feel good about it or pay 8 dollars in the Chinese restaurants. I do realize it is tough to make those calls though because you still have to enjoy your life as much as possible. Remember, America was founded on dreams and hope; we must not become a society of indentured servants if we have not already.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

No Real Solution

The lessons we learn from the shooting massacre in Sandy Creek should but will not help prevent tragedies like this from happening in the future. I say this because we are stuck on all the wrong reasons why this happened. It has nothing to do with gun or god control. The other fact is we are also not the only country in our wealth bracket that experiences these tragedies. This problem has to do with the absolute failure of governments and social services to properly identify younger individuals with behavioral defects long before they wield a gun in vein. Globally we also expose youth to violence and killing through mass media both with TV and Video games.
First thing we need to do is identify and deal with trouble long before it happens. Hypothetically a man who is considered mentally ill by a by medical evaluation and also certified by a State Justice that he is found to be a danger to himself due to mental illness should never be allowed to legally buy a gun in this country under those conditions. Let’s say though he did obtain guns legally then committed a mass murder shooting at an educational institution. There would be a call for radical change that would send shockwaves through our country and its law system. Well, this tragedy did happen; in 2007 Seung-Hui Cho killed 32 people and wounded 17 others on the campus of Virginia Tech. I stand corrected, all of it happened except the radical change and that’s the reason why mass murder killings continue to happen.

We fail to make improvements in this country after tragic events like the Newtown and Virginia Tech. Part of the blame must go to media coverage. Take Columbine for instance. The media made such big hype over that the term trench coat mafia became a funny joke. It made a bad situation come off as light hearted. This is dangerous because the story now has appeal because we gave the killers a cool identity rather than show what the real reasons were why they committed a horrible act.

What media should have done is put pressure on our law makers to bring about radical change. The problem is violence is very marketable and if TV companies denounced it they would lose potential revenue. A good example of ads promote violence would be the one I saw the day after the Newtown murders.  I walked into a box mart and there was a pop up billboard by the entrance. The ad displayed a cool video character wielding a pistol. As it stands mass media would never boycott these ad campaigns just to send a political message. There is too much money generated from violent games. Money rules and until advertisers and TV are forced to take responsibility for their message they send they will not change.

Finally the last bit of change we need is to understand why these sick things happen. The Columbine and Virginia Tech shooters already showed warning signs of what they might be capable of doing prior to actually pulling the trigger. In the Columbine case, Harris and Klebold had even made a class project video depicting killing their classmates. The teacher wrote it off as being creative. Both shooters also felt like outcasts and were bullied quite a bit growing up. Bullying is another issue all together but that must be changed in this country as well. Bottom line is we have to be more cognizant of why these things happen and start to examine ways to change from a younger age.

What type of change we need more of would be much like what occurred in the aftermath of a shooting that cost 16 lives in Winnenden, Germany. The parents of the victims petitioned their local representatives to push for prohibition of violent shooter games, better monitoring of gun owners in the community and all ammo to be deposited with police. Notice very little of the change demanded had to do with gun control or religion. The change that these parents wanted was common sense. This approach is more proactive than endless knee jerk reaction that we get from news coverage and our politicians who take the easy road of creating more laws that will not be properly followed. Keep in mind gun control laws were in effect on December 14th when this latest shooting happened.

One final thought on these mass murder tragedies. In almost every case the gunman or men turn on themselves and commit suicide. We never really ask why. I have a theory. This is that the killers usually are mentally incapable of fathoming how horrific their actions are until they reach a point during the killings where I believe their conscious becomes aware of what they are doing and how horrific it is. At that point the reality becomes so intense they can’t fathom living and they kill themsef.
I wonder if we could have reached these people before they committed these acts of violence if they were still capable of remorse in the end. Like I say it’s a theory and we don’t like to reason in the moments or time after these tragic scenes. We like to become an angry mob, have TV glorify and overkill a story and then ultimately forget it happened and accept that it’s part of life. If you do not think that is true why are we still dealing with it. Please start pushing for change. I have put various links on the bottom of this page to reference mass shootings that have occurred in recent history. When you read the stories ask why this keeps happening, that is the real truth.

Sunday, December 16, 2012


What we really need is the spirit of the end of the year to last 365 days. We tend to have a short attention span so we forget that 9 months out of the year that the modern man is a self-serving ego centric individual who tends to only care about others when it benefits themself.  Seriously why do we act chipper at the end of the year? Is it because of year-end bonuses or our children are generally happier so we are?
Generally I think people just want an excuse to feel good for one part of the year and then spend the rest of it in their own private unhappiness. I am not saying that we should act like its Christmas year around by no means. Imagine if Kevin in the office brought in decorated festive cookies for people to enjoy and it was the middle of June? He would be looked at negatively almost with certainty. On top of that what would he be celebrating, Flag Day? Really Christmas and the silly season are great reasons to feel good but we need to find ways of acting this generous toward fellow man year around.

We tend to forget the celebration of Christmas is based on a Christian belief that a man named Jesus Christ, the son of god, was born on December 25th. This man ultimately was believed to have died selflessly on a cross for us. That said I am not bringing religion into this but the core of what this holiday is gets lost in our Black Friday’s and Cyber week. It seems every year there will be some shameless photo of a brawl over a flat screen LCD at the local Box Mart involving two moms who otherwise would be normal people but love a good holiday deal.
No, what Christmas is about is doing someone, other than you, a solid. We tend to show our best side when we help those in need and that is something we can do year around. By helping others, I do not mean pitch a buck or two towards a panhandler or donate money to grocery storefront charity group. I am saying get involved with a homeless person or terminally ill patient and bring them the best thing you have to offer them which is your kindness and good spirit. This simple act of kindness can be done any day or month of the year. Being kind to others is the real holiday. BY the way my heart goes out to all the parents and loved ones of the Sandy Hook victims. I pray we do not have another tragedy like this.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Mass Transit, Friend or Underutilized?

Public transportation is a great concept but poorly utilized in this country. In my opinion we cause this because we think mass transit is for lower income people. Our belief that personal freedom equals driving our own vehicles is a flaw in our thinking. Because of this shortsideness, Transportation costs the average household around 15% of their family income. Those expenses encompass car payments, gas and auto repairs. The following article gives insight on how our personal money is spent-
I feel Americans can be wiser and use alternative means of travel like buses, light rail and mass transit lines. We can also do more with ride share programs. How many times do you see John or Jane Doe show up at work in their nice 12 seat Lincoln Navigator with just one person, the driver, in the vehicle? Gas is not getting cheaper so take advantage of what’s around you. With all these positives of mass transit stated I know security and crime are still an issue.

How do we get people to believe that public transportation is safe? Most systems today do have firm rules in hand to protect passengers but the stations where trains dock are usually bland and isolated. There is no major appeal for everyday folk to use commuter rail especially if they have to walk 2 or 3 miles to get to a store or attraction once they arrive in the area they are travelling to. Now in Europe, where mass transit is in high use, public transportation systems have more to offer the average person.
Stations on rail routes have anything from grocery stores to restaurants. On top of that some trains have different classes of seating as well as food/beverage stands in the cars. The trains also connect to all ends of the continent so you do not have to fly to get anywhere and it’s fairly quick and affordable. If you went to use a subway in your neighborhood and it brought you to a station where there was shopping, groceries and other amenities like restaurants/banks and connected you quickly to destinations beyond your city and state borders, you would be more likely to use mass public transportation.

I unfortunately do not see much progress to make mass transit appealing here in the states. We need to start by raising awareness in the general public about the potential benefits of mass transit. Our government then needs to stop delaying the inevitable, that we are running out of oil stores, and start getting commuter rail systems built or updated. We also need to have better security in train stations and open up the land at these terminals to commercial development.
 A little security and consumer appeal goes a long way to attract more customers of public transit. Growth of the mass transit industry also sparks more job creation. All of the reasons mentioned are positive by-products of expanding the use of public transportation but the longer we wait for oil to magically fall from the sky the more we have Opportunity Lost…..

Here is a link to additional public transportation information-

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Do Sponge Bob and Ronald McDonald Raise Your Child?

Children today are allowed and encouraged to watch too much TV. First, try this test. Show your child a picture of Abe Lincoln and follow that by a picture of Ronald McDonald and see which one they can identify first? I am willing to bet the clown is more recognizable but why is this? Even if you have done well to keep your kid away from a fast food diet, chances are the ads around their favorite TV show is aimed to get inside their minds with gimmicks and slogans that make it fun for them and painful for you to manage their lives. Here is a link that talks about the billion dollars McDonalds spends on ads a year-

So we know that companies are predatory in the way they reach out to our children so they can keep them addicted to their products and the money flowing. How did the child get in front of the box in the first place? For many years now as a culture in America we have gradually spent more time in front of the TV. When kids are old enough to understand what is on it they are hooked. Children of ages 2-5 spend close to 32 hours a week in front of the TV. They do eventually go to school and the hours go down a bit but the habit is formed. It is almost like a full time job to watch TV for a young child. What is sacrificed is outdoor activity and health. Here is a study by the University of Michigan Health System-

Some of the programs kids watch are educational but more often they are watching Sponge Bob type cartoons and the value of TV is diminished. TV in this country is less about news and education than it ever has been. Parents need to be aware of this. How can this trend be reversed? It must start in the 2-5 year old range. Those children need to be structured on the amount of TV they watch and the quality of it. Another way is to go back to one household TV that everyone shares. Most homes now have a TV in every room. This not only makes people reclusive but it is also killing the family unit mold that used to exist in this country.

I cannot tell you how to raise your child. Everyone has to do it at their own pace but think in terms of they grow up to be what you give them. If they are active in the outdoors from an early age they will be more likely social conscious and healthy. If they are watching TV in isolation and inactive then they probably will develop these traits over time and possibly lead to obesity and dysfunction.

Understand the fight to reverse the TV trend is ongoing. The ramifications of poor television habits are widespread and tearing at the foundation of our country. The good news is many middle age adults are getting back to healthier living but that needs to translate down the line to the youth or we are just repeating a vicious cycle and more Opportunity Lost…

Here is an example in California of a low income community standing up to fast food chains-

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Self-Serving or Serving Selflessly?

We live in a world where our desire to self-satisfy is gradually outweighing our willingness to help others. The truth is we are a giving country and people volunteering to help people are a tradition that goes back to the colonial days of America. Back then settlers came together for survival and community growth. Their self-sacrifice to work together and overcome obstacles like devastating illness as well as developing farmland they needed for living was the beginnings of volunteer work in the states. Read the following simple timeline for a history of American Volunteer Work-

Our egos are mostly to blame in this down shift in human interest. We live in a society where womanizing, getting drunk and drugged up and generally taking risks without care of repercussion is portrayed in a positive light. Here is a fine example of twisted perception-

We are programmed from an early age that status and acquisition of wealth is all that matters. Meanwhile our desire to look and act cool is slowly killing our best virtue which is generosity. We appear to be weak minded if we show compassion for our fellow man who is not doing as well as we are. Even institutions of higher learning, that once were a breeding ground for bright ideas and positive social change, are merely now just a place we are told go and do your time as it will net you a big payday, which is far from the truth.

Where can we change this scary trend in our daily lives? Go on the internet and search local charities and foundations. I am sure you will find a cause that will not only be of personal interest to you but also be easy to get involved with. Expose your children to the thought of kindness towards others. I suggest bringing them to a retirement home and let them spend time with the patients. They will get a good feeling from the smiles of the elderly, a feeling that even Sponge Bob and Ronald McDonald cannot give them. Finally, do not feel like one person can’t make a positive impact. I am attaching a link to a foundation I am fond of and want to put a spotlight on. It is proof we can help people while instilling valuable life skills, not only for the needy but for ourselves.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Two Parties Are No Longer Welcome At The Party!!!

The two political party system has failed the United States again and again. I ask you of the potential 100 million people in this country eligible to run for President, would Romney or Obama even crack the top 100 best candidates for the position? Of course not and you are probably are saying I need to live in the real world. I wonder though, if the two candidates we are told we can vote for are not even be the best Americans for the job, is this really democracy?

How is it that House Rep’s, Senators and Presidents only come from two parties? To get a better understanding of how it happens and why it will not change without voters and citizens of this country getting involved in fixing this problem you should compare our political parties to a fast food chain. McDonalds is acceptable because we see the brand advertised everywhere. It is burnt into our memory from a small age if you are hungry it is acceptable by social standards to go there and eat. The same principle applies to the Democrats or Republicans. We know the parties and they’re the entities to conform to if you plan on a career in politics. I believe that this concept politically speaking fails. Many would also agree that we limit our capacity to grow and change as a free government if we are only getting two perspectives or choices.

So why won’t it change? Does McDonalds plan to close next week? Of course not because McDonalds generates a significant amount of money as does the two political parties. The purpose of all this money is simple. The more money Democrats and Republicans are acquiring, the bigger the advantage over any alternative opposition. I will attach a report of spending on Campaigns for the last election cycle but for the three major types of office in DC, both parties combined spent over 2.5 billion dollars in campaigning for your votes. Here is the site-
What we consider a democracy is in reality just a business and a legal way of paying cash for votes. Read the following links about the history of political parties in the United States. Then go and read what the constitution says about political parties. You will be looking forever because it mentions nothing about them.
I know it can be argued that just because our 200 year old constitution doesn’t mention party affiliations doesn’t mean that the founders did not foresee the need for political parties. But actually it has been noted that the writers of the constitution hoped we did not go in this direction.

Don’t get me wrong I like a system of civil servant politicians. Unfortunately it morphed into over paid puppets spewing an agenda from just two well financed angles. Neither party will ever want to change the system; it would cost them the ability to generate billions for elections which translates into even more revenue having paid for the exclusive rights to the politicians they bought who control our country.
It’s up to the voting population to demand change before the next election or once again the real problems we face will not get fixed. We will end up watching another 2.5 billion dollars or more go to wasteful campaign spending in yet another Opportunity Lost…….